New Year – Time for a New Office Design

It has been extraordinary to witness how much the working landscape has changed in the last 18 months, expectations, predictions, and aspirations about what the workplace should be like, have never been more diverse, it is certainly a time to be considering implementing a new office design.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, it does mean that the office has changed from being the ‘home of the 9-5’ to something completely different.

The design of our offices will continue to evolve and progress as our working styles change.

In this blog, we explore some of the main design considerations for workplaces in 2023.

Sustainability in a New Office Design

Many businesses have adopted sustainability practices, and office design and commercial property have followed suit.

Various techniques affect environmental efficiency, depending on your budget, including adding insulation to the interior of exterior walls and planning the office layout to maximise solar gain and minimise reliance on artificial lighting by utilising glass partitioning.

An energy-efficient structure will benefit from using natural ventilation rather than costly, energy-intensive air conditioning.

Even having enough space for bicycle storage helps to support a green transportation strategy that lowers fuel costs and emissions; to make space for this, the inclusion of mezzanine floors is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option.

Your decision-making process for choosing and fitting up a facility should take into account its energy efficiency, carbon emissions, lighting, air quality, and water usage.

Inclusivity Environment

Many aspects of offices are being redesigned with a greater focus as companies strive to create a more inclusive environment, with office refits considering quiet areas to relax and recharge.

There has not always been a positive environment in the workplace for neurodiversity and employers haven’t always embraced it. However, this is beginning to change.

Designing the office to embrace these changes is essential to keep employees feeling valued and safe.

Hybrid Working

As hybrid working becomes more prevalent, our use of the office will determine how it appears.

Although there won’t be a significant change in the office’s appearance or atmosphere, staff will desire their time there to be more productive and purposeful.

The office will still be a crucial component of a company’s structure even with a rise in temporary workers, so businesses will try to make the most of the space they have to accommodate this new way of working.

Creating spaces to hot desk and individual pods are great ways to improve hybrid working, along with separating rooms into smaller, more open-plan areas, utilising versatile glass partitioning.

Open-Plan Interiors in an Industrial Style

These designs encourage greater opportunities for cooperation and communication between different employees, regardless of their job status, open plan workplaces remain popular.

A modern, eye-catching environment that personnel will love working in and eventually flourish in, is created when an industrial office interior style seamlessly combines with an open-plan concept.

Typical examples of these are exposed brick and pipes, mezzanine floors, big windows, glass partitioning, wood, and metal, as well as industrial-style lighting.

Finding the ideal mix between well-being, functionality, and design is crucial.

 Design That is Biophilic Incorporating Nature

 A greater emphasis will be placed on multimodal biophilic design in 2023 than was previously thought to be the case.

This includes taking advantage of the environment’s noises, sights, and smells to enhance employee health.

To find out how we can help you refit or redesign to make a new office design that will cater to everyone also to book for the New Year, call our friendly team on: 01444 707066 or click the link to get in touch:



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