Terms and Conditions of Sale


(Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd)

All estimates are valid for 30 days from date of issue unless withdrawn or otherwise stated within.

The prices included in the estimate and any order or contract arising there from shall be deemed to be based on circumstances ruling at the date of the estimate and the prices are subject to variation if affected by changes in wages or by costs of materials or transport.

Any alteration by the Buyer in design quantities or specification or any suspension of work due to instructions will involve adjustments of the estimated price if costs are thereby affected.

Priced estimates are NETT unless stated otherwise. Full payment is due against any raised invoice no later than 30 days NETT of the invoice date. Late payments may be charged @ 2.5% above the bank rate per month or part thereof. All deposit monies required must be cleared funds to Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd prior to any works commencing on site.

If default be made by the Buyer any sum due under any order or if any distress or execution shall be levied upon the Buyer the property or assets of the Buyer or (as the case may be) the Buyer makes or offers to make any arrangement or composition with creditors or commit any act of bankruptcy or any petition or receiving order in bankruptcy shall be made or presented against the Buyer or any resolutions or petition to wind up the Buyer’s business shall be passed or presented or if a receiver of the Buyer’s undertaking property of assets or any part thereof shall be appointed then Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd shall have the right forthwith to determine and cancel by notice in writing to the Buyer any order then subsisting or to suspend all further deliveries or works until default is made good. Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd reserves the right to sub-contract the fulfilment of any order or any part thereof.

All goods supplied and or installed at Customers premises remain the property of Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd until paid for in full.

Subject as hereinafter provided Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd will replace at its own costs all products which are or become faulty by reason only of the use of defective materials or by reason of defective workmanship within a period of 12 months from the date of installation provided that the buyer has notified us in writing of the fault within that period but Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd shall not be liable for any damages or injury (whether direct or indirect) caused by the buyer or persons authorized or permitted by him to operate use or come into contact with the products or other property due to such faults or defects.

The Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd shall be under no liability for defective products caused by accident, misuse, neglect, wear and tear, improper maintenance, use of spare parts or replacements not manufactured by or on behalf of the Company or alterations in each case made without the Company’s consent.

The times quoted for the supply and or installation are to date from the acceptance of the order by Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd. Although every endeavor will be made to deliver and or install at the stated time, unforeseen delays may occur through causes beyond Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd control, and the Company shall not be liable for any losses or damage arising from such delays, neither shall a delay constitute grounds for cancellation of any order except under the conditions provided by the following paragraph.

Cancellation will only be accepted on condition that the goods are paid for at a price proportionate to the stage in manufacture or assembly which has been reached and liability is undertaken for any commitments of materials or special products ordered by Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd.

Variations in terms of finishes, materials and all other aspects of appearance may occur on occasions either through non-availability of materials or due to our policy of continued technical improvement. Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd reserves the right from time to time to revise, vary or modify the finish, materials and technical specification of the goods contracted provided that the quality of the goods shall be at least equal to that of the goods contracted for.

We assume the free use of power, water and Client welfare facilities for the duration of a contract for any Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd operatives, sub-contractors unless instructed otherwise.

All figures given in relation to performances are based on experience but no liability for failure to obtain any specified performance will be accepted by Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd unless performance has been specifically guaranteed. The Customer is responsible for the capacity and performance of the goods as ordered being sufficient and suitable for his purpose and Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd accepts no responsibility in this connection.

Under no circumstances shall Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd be liable for any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever to any property or person howsoever caused arising from the installation and future use of Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd products installed.

Under no circumstances shall Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd be liable to for any costs arising for sourcing, administering or carrying out any Landlord, Building Control requirements. It is the Customers responsibility in all cases to gather all relevant consents prior to us starting the works, unless we are instructed otherwise.

All complaints arising with regard to the product or services supplied by Sussex and Surrey Partitioning Ltd must be made in writing no later than 21 days after the completion of any works.

All Contracts shall be construed and operate as English contracts under English law